Next Meeting:Ruritan Club
Next Tournament: Jordan Lake
The Cumberland Bassmasters of Fayetteville NC is a local, non-profit bass fishing club. The club was formed to engage in competitive bass fishing among our members for the purpose of sharing knowledge about the sport, sportsmanship, and fair play on and off the water. We compete for fun and to improve our skill as bass anglers. The club has both novice and experienced anglers of all ages. For the novice bass angler, being a member of Cumberland Bassmasters is an excellent way to learn about bass fishing and greatly improve your angling skills. All members are willing to help each other and share their knowledge and experience with you. The experienced bass angler can also benefit from being a member. You will always have someone to fish with, you will have an opportunity to share what the sport has given you with others and promote the sport of bass fishing. Plus, even the experienced angler can learn something new from others. The tournament sites for the upcoming season are voted on by the club membership. We fish several different lakes and rivers. By fishing a variety of lakes and rivers, the members become better anglers by learning to fish different waters under various conditions.
There is a nominal $40.00 entry fee for each monthly tournament. Payouts are awarded after each tournament based on tournament payout chart. There is an optional $5.00 entry fee for big bass. The top anglers, based on their accumulated weight for the season, are awarded plaques at our annual banquet in February
If you are interested n joining Cumberland Bassmasters, or would like more information, please e-mail , CumberlandBass@aol.com . Membership dues $40 per year. We meet the first Thursday of every month 7:30pm @ Ruritan Club on Campground Road.
Come check us out! You could be a member of the 2nd oldest club in the state.
The Cumberland Bassmasters of Fayetteville NC is a local, non-profit bass fishing club. The club was formed to engage in competitive bass fishing among our members for the purpose of sharing knowledge about the sport, sportsmanship, and fair play on and off the water. We compete for fun and to improve our skill as bass anglers. The club has both novice and experienced anglers of all ages. For the novice bass angler, being a member of Cumberland Bassmasters is an excellent way to learn about bass fishing and greatly improve your angling skills. All members are willing to help each other and share their knowledge and experience with you. The experienced bass angler can also benefit from being a member. You will always have someone to fish with, you will have an opportunity to share what the sport has given you with others and promote the sport of bass fishing. Plus, even the experienced angler can learn something new from others. The tournament sites for the upcoming season are voted on by the club membership. We fish several different lakes and rivers. By fishing a variety of lakes and rivers, the members become better anglers by learning to fish different waters under various conditions.
There is a nominal $40.00 entry fee for each monthly tournament. Payouts are awarded after each tournament based on tournament payout chart. There is an optional $5.00 entry fee for big bass. The top anglers, based on their accumulated weight for the season, are awarded plaques at our annual banquet in February
If you are interested n joining Cumberland Bassmasters, or would like more information, please e-mail , CumberlandBass@aol.com . Membership dues $40 per year. We meet the first Thursday of every month 7:30pm @ Ruritan Club on Campground Road.
Come check us out! You could be a member of the 2nd oldest club in the state.